Blue Apron Goodness

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hello Everyone!

I hate to admit that I am not the worlds greatest cook. I am impatient with recipes, I always forget an ingredient, and I can't stand the thought of cleaning up 3 or 4 pans after a lengthy meal. I would rather just pick something up or eat something that requires minimal preparation. This is why when Blue Apron came in the picture, my life changed!

I can not believe it took us this long to find this service, and I am so glad we did!

There are all kinds of services that deliver ingredients to your home, but we went with Blue Apron because of the low price and the many options of meals you can receive. 

This is our third week enjoying the service and so far we have been impressed with 6 of the 7 meals. The one meal we didn't like was a chicken tandori that was too spicy for us. 

We have received everything from cod (below) to beef, salmon, chicken, and shrimp.

The box of ingredients comes with a full page of info including all of the products you will need, nutritional information, and the recipe.

These are all of the menu items we have received. (By the second week)

This was one of my favorites so far, meatballs with summer squash salad, who knew squash could taste so much better with a little olive oil and lemon zest!

The front of the page gives an overview of the meal...

The back tells you exactly how to cook it.

Every meal comes with "knick-knacks" and those include spices, garlic, butter, vinegar that kind of thing

We made the shrimp and grits last night, and it was so delicious!

Every meal is healthy, and has enough for you to actually get full. And the best part, there is only 1-2 pans used in the whole process so very little clean up! Y'all know I can appreciate that since the twins take up so much of my time.

I am very impressed with the service, and can't wait for future meals.

Click to order from Blue Apron!

~Mrs. S

Blogs I love!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hello Everyone!

Today I am going to share with you all some of my favorite blogs.
I have been blogging for a little over 5 years and at first I did it because one of my closest friends had a blog, but eventually I decided that I really enjoyed blogging and am so glad I embarked on this journey to exploring the blogosphere!

My first blog, was a bust. I was learning the ropes and mostly searching other blogs and picking up things here and there about content, design, and what makes a great blog. But eventually I picked it up a notch and started a new blog and actually paid someone to design a layout for me.
My blog has become a fun little hobby where I document my life and the events surrounding it, and after several years I have come to realize I may not make money doing it or have thousands of followers like other bloggers, but I still love it!

I especially love following along with other awesome bloggers that I want to introduce y'all to.

First up is my girl Chelsea of "The Perfect Catch" blog.

Chelsea is a super sweet fellow Texan who is happily married with a darling boy Jack, and another on boy the way! Chelsea has a beautiful home and blogs about everything from her love of Halloween to trips to Colorado with her family. Chelsea has always been a big supporter of my blog, and for that I am thankful!
You can follow her on IG

Next up is Natasha's "Hello Happiness" 

Natasha is a Nashville native with a fun blog that pretty much could teach a course on blogging.
She has 2 sweet girls and throws them the cutest birthday parties, ever, and is now owner of the online shopping site "Sugarbit" She hosts a popular linkup every Friday "5 on Friday" and can be found on IG

Annie of "Home of Malones" is another favorite blogger of mine, and lives where we all wish we could live, in Florida!

As you can read from her "About Me" section, she has something in common with everyone. I have followed her for a while and love how she blogs about things I can actually use, like her post today on organizing your email! I knew this service was available, I just never actually took the time to research it and do it, she makes it seem so easy. You can follow her on IG and catch a glimpse of her adorable boy, her growing belly with a baby girl on the way, and her fabulous house at:

Anyone with a blog name the same as a Beatles song is all right with me!
"All you need is Love"  is a lifestyle blog written by the lovely Emily, who lives in Princeton, New Jersey. Emily shares her everyday life as a mommy of a toddler, and soon a baby girl. 
This lady is a consistent blogger, and writes about everything from living in the North East to the best baby products. I love her fashion sense and enjoy reading her blog. 
She is also on IG 

Ashley is everything every girl wishes she could be, smart, athletic, beautiful, and witty.
"Run With Me" is a blog that I think is supposed to document her life and love of fitness, but really is a hilarious look into the life of a hard working and self aware person who cares more about her convictions than following the trends, or at least that is what I have picked up. She has posted some pretty honest posts and I really admire her for that.
Her Instagram is a great way to see this "real" lady and her life in the ATL.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed checking out these blogs, you probably already follow them, but if not you should!

Here's to one more day till the weekend!
~Mrs. S

Oakley PRIZM Launch

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hello Readers!

Today I am going to tell you all about an exciting new product that is offering pre-orders today!

If you are anything like me, you will not leave the house without your sunglasses. I have pretty bad vision and that alone makes my eyes sensitive, but put me outside without sunglasses and we are talking torture!

Since I have started running outside lately, I have had trouble keeping my sunglasses in tact while sweat drips down my forehead (I know, gross).

However, this is why I am so excited that the new Oakley PRIZM prescription sunglasses are going to be available in all sports-specific and everyday styles; starting TODAY for pre-sale purchase only at Salt City Optics prescription eyewear!

Visit this link here to pre-order yours today!

Whether you need sunnies for fitness or athletic purposes, or you just love sporting your fashion friendly aviators, there are many benefits and options to customize your needs with Oakley PRIZM prescription sunglasses

I hope you are all having a great Monday,
~Mrs. S

Wintersmith Park

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hi Everyone!

Today I wanted to share with you all a wonderful park by my house called Wintersmith Park.
It is about a 3 minute drive from our house, and offers so many fun amenities that we have recently started to take advantage of.

First off, there are several playground areas with play jungles, and swings and as you can see the twins love swinging on these! There is also putt-putt for kids, a carousel, and a sno-cone stand! 

On the opposite side of the park is this huge and super cool amphitheater. We have not attended a concert yet, but definitely will when there's an event in the future!

The park circles this huge pond that is stocked with catfish and bass. I have seen several people fishing, I think it will be a great place for Ford and Sloane to explore fishing when they are older :)

The park is also home to a flock of geese and ducks that hang out all over the park. They are so beautiful and the twins love to look at them.

The best part is the awesome one and a half mile trail that surrounds the park complete with hills and shady trees. It is so much better than running on an treadmill, and I love that the babies sleep the whole time. 

There is no Target or Chick-Fil-A where I live, but this park more than makes up for it!

Hope Y'all are having a great week, one more day and it's the weekend!
~Mrs. S

Fall Favorites

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Good morning everyone!

I am happy to announce that a cold front is coming to Oklahoma today and the high is 91.
I know that still seems really hot, but it will be much better than yesterday, when I decided to start running again. There is an amazing trail around a park nearby and I really enjoyed pushing the babies around while I got some exercise. 

Speaking of weather, I am sure some of y'all are ready for the fall to be here.
Supposedly there is an actual fall here in Oklahoma with changing leaves and cooler air, but being that we are only 2 hours north of Dallas, I will wait to see it to believe it.

I love fall, as does most everyone else. 
There is nothing like the feeling of excitement over the first day back at school, and your first football game wether it be high school, college, or NFL. So many new beginnings in fall, it's something I look forward to.

My mother in law goes nuts on fall decor and not only purchases herself about 5 fall smelling candles, but I get several as well. I wait till october to put anything fall themed up, but I am sure this year I will really enjoy halloween decorations with the kids being almost old enough to understand .

My favorite fall time.....

Tomato Basil soup, my MIL has an awesome recipe I hope to share
Macaroni Soup, also another MIL specialty
Chili, we like to experiment with different recipes

SMU, duh! Chad Morris better kick some butt this year
Ada High School, lets make sure we win some games
Cowboys, we are going to the super bowl this year , I just know it

Halloween! Can't wait to decide what costumes the twins will wear
Texas State Fair, not sure if we will make it but if anything we will go to a local one
Pumpkin Patches, great photo op for the twins

We have a wedding to attend in September, I am hoping to see some of my besties I haven't seen in a while
We decided on purchasing season tickets to SMU games, so we hope to see some fellow mustangs at the games

It seems like fall is a time for making new memories with the people we love, with Thanksgiving during this season, it is inevitable that there will be some fun times had with our families

Riding boots for sure!
leggins with oversized sweaters, comfy and stylish
leather jackets
oversized bags
skinny jeans

What do you look forward to in the fall?

Thanks for stopping by!
~Mrs. S

That's what I love about Texas

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are recovering from the weekend this lovely morning.

It is a well known fact that Texans are some of the most proud people by character and now that I live in Oklahoma, I could not agree more. 

On my several trips to Dallas for various reasons, I find myself breathing a sigh of relief every time I cross the red dirt river on the Texas Oklahoma border. 

There are several things that I have learned make the state of Texas unique, therefore making me miss it everyday. 

1. The abundance of options:
From restaurants to nail salons, Texas has it all near by.
I miss driving down the road and being able to get formula for the babies, lunch, my nails done, groceries, gas, and a car wash all on one road. Not so much in these parts.

2. New homes:
I love my house, but it is old.
Now, it has a big enough kitchen, a second living area, and a huge backyard, but little things like a bigger dining area, wider hallways, and taller ceilings are something I definitely miss about my previous 10 year old home. 

3. Entertainment:
I could easily buy tickets to big musical act coming into town and look forward to going to the symphony at all times, but here the closest city that holds big concerts is an hour and 15 minutes away (Oklahoma City). There was always something going on in McKinney or in Dallas, so I know I will eventually greatly miss that.

4. Appearance:
When I would make a quick run to Target, or even stop by the local Hobby Lobby everyone around me was usually dressed well. Maybe not to the nines, but definitely presentable. It made me put a little more effort into what I wore. Here, it seems everyone is a little less into fashion and a little more into minding their own fashion business.

5. Attitude:
Like I said before, people in Texas are proud to be from Texas. Every time I meet someone and tell them I am from the Dallas area, they have some story about someone they know from Texas or how they once lived there. Most Oklahoman's are welcoming and friendly as opposed to the more exclusive average Texan who loathes the outsider (especially Californian's) and their foreign qualities. I miss the competitiveness of my home state, and the constant reminder that you have to keep up or you will be left behind.

I haven't lived here long, but I do miss home.
Where are you from?
If you are a transplant like me, what are some of the things you miss about your home state?

Till next time!
~Mrs. S

Huevos Rancheros

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hi Lovely readers and Happy Friday!

One thing that I always wondered about stay at home mom bloggers is why they always wrote about being excited for the weekend.
I guess I considered them to have a weekend everyday since they did not report to a job any day of the week. But now I see what all of the fuss is about.
Every one else's weekend is like your weekend. 
My husband can't just take off and meet me for lunch or a park day during the workweek, I have to wait till the weekend to plan an outing with him. The same goes for my friends and family. Now that we live 2 hours away from Dallas, we have to make a day out of going there and it is only possible during the weekend...

Today I am going to share with you all a recipe for what I think is a great twist on the traditional "Huevos Rancheros" you can usually order at a mexican restaurant or at brunch sometimes. 

The ingredients you will need are pictured below:
3 eggs
2 tortillas
1/4 of a potato
shredded cheese
and red or green salsa
butter for eggs

Restaurants usually serve a full tortilla underneath the eggs, but I like to slice it up and add potatoes to it.
I mix and fry them in oil until they are golden crisp, kind of like hash browns

I plate them and make my eggs in the same pan.
I put the eggs on top of my stir fry and add shredded cheese and salsa.

It's pretty delicious, but after taking the first bite I realized I may have fried the tortilla/potato mix a little too long because it was really crunchy. 
It could have used more cheese as well, but hey, you live and you learn!

What are your favorite breakfast/brunch recipes?

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones!

~Mrs. S

Thoughts for Thursday

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hello Everyone!

I had a few thoughts I wanted to share with you all today.

1. How many of you get lost on what day of the week it is?
Lately more than ever I have been forgetting what day of the week it is, I am sure because I am now staying at home instead of working and teaching everyday, but gees sometimes I am like 2 days off!

2. This Oklahoma weather makes me super glad we are not living in Texas. The latests forecasts temps have been above 100 the past few days and will continue, and I am glad I am not a part of it.

3. I have began a fun new project that I hope you will all be a part of. I am no expert, but I started a new channel on YouTube on all things parenting and I would love for you to check it out. Any comments/input/advice would be very helpful. Feel free to share will fellow mommies :)

Thanks for stopping by!
~Mrs. S

Home is where the heart is...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hello Everyone!

we are now officially Oklahoman's

Thats right, I said it. 

It makes me sad to think my address is not a Texan one. 

This is my address history since I was born:

Linares, Nuevo Leon Mexico

1 month to 18 years old:
Dallas, TEXAS

18-20 years old:
Fort Worth, TEXAS

20-27 years old:
Dallas, TEXAS

27-31 years old:
McKinney, TEXAS

31-? years old:
Ada. oklahoma

We will see where the wind blows us next. But for now, I will enjoy the rolling hills of this beautiful little town. So far, everything and everyone has been very nice and simple. 
I hope to share some pictures of the babies soon!

~Mrs. S

Direct TV and money!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hello Everyone!

One thing I can admit about the Simmonds fam is that we watch some TV, ok, a lot of TV especially in the fall (hello, football!) 

We have used several cable options in the past, and for the past 4 years we had Uverse which we really liked, but where we live in Oklahoma it is not offered. 

Que Direct TV and their awesomeness.

We had incredible service when they installed it, and our guy was kind of hilarious. He was super serious about his job, you would have thought he was like a cable super hero by the way he talked!

Well, if you are in the market for new cable, or are moving and want to consider a new service like we did, you should totally get Direct TV!

They have a great special going on for free premium channels for 3 months, and the NFL network is only like $4 a month! Perfect for football which starts next week (and your husband will love you more).

You will not only get a great new service to watch your favorite TV, but you will also get $100 if you use my referral code, as will I!

Who doesn't want to make $100 and get awesome TV?!

Just call to subscribe and use my reference number, 


Here is some more info..

I would love to know if you decided to switch or subscribe so I can thank you for making a great choice and making me some mula!

Hope you all have a great day!
~Mrs. S

Bags, Bags, Bags!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Hello Everyone!

Today I wanted to share my favorite bags at the moment with you all.

I have a thing for bags. Something I don't feel guilty about since that is one of the few accessories I am consistent about actually wearing. I tend to forget to put on jewelry or makeup sometimes now that I am living a SAHM life, but bags, I mean....

First off, we have this wonderful backpack style bag that I recently snagged from Crystal Faye's shop a few weeks ago. She has a pretty current IG account on items on her website and as soon as I saw her post this bag, I knew I had to have it. I have shopped with her before and love her products, and this one did not disappoint!

I ordered it and a week later it was at my doorstep.
I have been using it more and more in replacement of my diaper bag as it is hard for me to carry my bag plus the diaper bag on my shoulder. A backpack is practical and it fits most of what I need for the twins. 

You can find this bag here!

Next up is the traditional Longchamp LePliage, I rarely use this bag, but love it nonetheless.
I feel like I don't want to get it dirty or spill something on the inside, so I keep it stored away. I did use it on several trips I have taken and really did like how easily it hung on my shoulder and how I could find everything so fast. 

This next one was a quick snatch from the Park Cities Yard Sale FB group.
The owners of an embroidery online site posted that they had a few of these bags left and they were on sale for around $55. I have seen several bloggers post a similar bag like this, and it was priced around $200, so I jumped on this one since I knew we were making a trip to Florida a few weeks later. I love how wide it is, and it fit most of my beauty products that I needed for the trip. All in all, I love this bag!

As you can see I also love the color navy :)

For months before having the twins, I was browsing the net for a perfect diaper bag that was gender neutral, and could fit enough items for both babies. Enter Kate Spade's New York Diaper Bag. I like this bag, but I don't love it. It serves its purpose, but I get annoyed at how easily it slips off my shoulder, and it fits most stuff I need for quick trips out of the house, but definitely need an extra bag when we go on longer trips... It's beautiful, and it has not gotten as dirty as I would have expected so far, but I guess I have only used it for 6 months so we will see.

This next one is not just a bag. It is a symbol of something that represented a very busy and draining part of my life. I taught extra lessons, played weekend gigs, and recruited at more fiddle fairs for my colleagues than I would like to admit, but it happened!

We purchased this beauty for my 30th birthday and I have been in awe since the first moment I held it.
It is soft and light, it holds its shape completely on its own, and I could not be more proud of what I considered a big accomplishment for myself. 

What are your favorite bags you can't live without?

Do you also have a shoes/bag obsession like I do? 

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

~Mrs. S