Christmas Card 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Hello Everyone and thanks for stopping by!

Hope you are all doing well, we are a pretty low key family these days as I do not like to take the twins to many places so the blog posts are limited due to lack of content. 

We have been having some wishy-washy weather so when it came time to take pictures for our Christmas Cards, I knew it had to be the right weather since we would be taking them in front of a Christmas tree that is at the park nearby. I settled on a Saturday after the Mr. got out of work, and I dressed the kids in fun Christmasy outfits. I wanted us to all sort of match, and as much as I tried to plan it all out and have the pictures look good, our first attempt was a major failure. I own a tripod for my Canon Rebel so up until now, I have taken all of the major photos we have used for any important images myself, birth announcements, monthly pics, so on, but I have learned my lesson and have decided to hire someone to do some photography for us from now on. 

We arrived at the location ready to go, and Ford decided to go #2, now usually that would be no big deal, but I wasn't prepared for this so fail No.1. Next, as I got Sloane out of the car, her shoe fell off and I didn't notice till we were already on our second shoot spot where I was going to take pics of just them, and because I wanted to hurry, I didn't go back to get the shoe, fail No. 2. Then, after we set up the tripod and were ready to take pics, I set it and ran back in front of the tree, only to be winded and stand totally awkward while holding Sloane (Fail 3). After attempting our family picture several times, I gave up and just went for taking the ones of the babies. We set them over by the river and as it turns out Fords shoe had also fallen off somewhere so we just let it go and did barefoot pics. We tried family photos one more time only to have them all be unfocused when I reviewed them. Major fail (No. 1000 at this point). We ended up leaving and as we drove off and I reviewed the pics, I literally had a tear in my eye thinking, "why is this so hard?!" Maybe I was being dramatic, or hormonal, but I came back to my senses and realized I was being ridic and that was that.

We decided to drive to Tulsa the next day and since I still had my hair did from the day before, I thought, lets give this another shot, no planning, no stressing over outfits, lets just go take a fam pic one more time, and we got our shot!

So here it goes, our Christmas card...

What is hilarious, is that Sloane dropped her shoe again, and again I didn't notice till were got back in the car, and Ford's pants are scrunched up (I know, I'm being OCD) but I think we all look pretty descent and I was happy with the choice.

Receiving the cards was a whole other ordeal...
We used Photo Affections and I was pleased for the most part. After ordering the cards the week of Thanksgiving, I was pleasantly surprised to come home and find the box on the porch on the Friday after we got back from going to Tulsa. I was so excited to see the cards but as I looked closely at the pics in the back of the babies, I noticed the website editors had added a red-eye dot on 2 of the 3 pictures of Sloane and she looked kind of wonky. I was so mad. I called them and after several emails back and forth, they agreed with me that she looked weird and sent me another set of cards.

Slowly but surely (as I get older) I am realizing that I have major anxiety when it comes to my perfectionism. I pray everyday that God gives me patience and understanding, but it is so hard! I guess it is to be expected when you are dealing with 2 babies :)!

Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season. It has definitely been fun starting new traditions with the babies and I can't believe we have 1.5 weeks till Christmas, eek...!

~Mrs. S