The Simmonds twins are here!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

It has been a week since the little ones were born!

It has been a whirlwind, sleep deprived, and eventful week here in the Simmonds household.

A week ago today, we left for the hospital at the crack of dawn, and came home on Sunday with two new family members. 

And without further a do....

Ford Michael and Sloane Simmonds

I will write a more detailed, fun birth story post soon with pictures and everything, but for now, I must tend to my babies!

Till next time, 

~Mrs. S

#simmondsbabies2015 Nursery Reveal!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hello my little pretties!

Thank you for stopping by today as it is the last day before most people go back to work and return to their regular routine, 
and HELLO, 
the Cowboys game is on!!!

It's half time and we are sweating bullets here in the Simmonds household as we were sure we would win today, but now not so much, but we will not give up till the last second of the game!

So, enough of football, let's get to the nursery...

Ta dah!

So, we decided on yellow as a neutral color for a boy/girl twin nursery.
We initially wanted to put their monograms above their cribs, but when we saw these awesome "brother"/"sister" signs at Pottery Barn Kids, we had to have them!

Since there are two cribs in the room, there really wasn't much room for much so we decided on this cube shelf from Ikea instead of a tall bookshelf.

The gallery wall above the changing table/dresser was my idea, and I love the way it turned out. We collected items from a range of places including Hobby Lobby, Target, and the small jacket is my brother in law's. 

Sloane's crib...

My MIL bought this Pottery Barn rocking chair a while back at a Salvation Army for like $75!
I bought the pillow cover and insert at IKEA and monogrammed it with the kids initials. 

We tried our hardest to make the room gender neutral, so there's a little of this and a little of that :)

My little model frenchie's can't wait till the babies are here

How cute is this football blankie for Ford?

Little Ford, a future letterman :) 

Hope you all enjoyed touring the babies nursery, we are 36 weeks tomorrow, so 1 week left!

Please pray for us this week, thank God I don't have to go back to work!

Now, back to the Cowboys game!

~Mrs. S

Christmas and New Years 2014

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello readers!

It is officially 2015, and I am officially ready for all of the wonderful things this year will bring.

But, before all this happens, how about if I recap the most low key holiday season of my life...

The last day of school, my students showered me with lots of goodies and gifts. From bags of homemade sweets, to gifts for the babies, I was overwhelmed with all the awesome stuff!

One of my favorites was this cupcake with these little signs on them...

On Christmas eve, we went to our favorite church and attended the 6:00pm service, it was so packed that we had to stand for about 15 minutes, but eventually we sat down and listened to a beautiful message and sang carols. We all got a candle to light during "O Holy Night" and "Silent Night", it was so special I cried.

Here is a picture of my bump with my candle. 

The church was so pretty with everyone and their candles.

We spent Christmas Eve with my family, and Christmas Day with the Mr.'s fam at our house. We made a late lunch and opened gifts, it was a lovely time.

The days between Christmas and New Years were spent doing lots of this...

resting and enjoying our last days as a family of 2 with 2 fur pups. My belly is so big, I feel massive, but thankfully the babies are doing well and they will be cooking for a little over one more week!

For New Years eve, the Mr. and I were invited to the Govea's home fore an Italian dinner pot luck. We decided to bring a delicious shrimp linguini pasta, and it was a huge hit!

There were 6 couples, 2 of which just had babies in the past months and 3 of us are pregnant now!
Meredith on the right is due in March, and Katie to my left is due in February.
It is a very special thing to have babies with good friends, I can't wait for our play dates and Iv'e already decided that Ford will be Lydia's boyfriend and Sloane will be her bestie! (Lydia is Meredith's baby girl)

We came home around 11 since I was already pretty tired, and we have not spent New Year's eve at home in the 9 years we have dated/been married. It was actually really special and we had a great time watching the Victory Park celebration in downtown Dallas on TV.

Well, here is my 35 week 2 day belly. 
When we measured the babies for the first time, I had no doubt they were so big they were going to come right around these days, but since they are no where in sight and I am feeling great, it is looking like we are going to go as far as we can. Week 37 would be ideal, but my doctor is even willing to go till week 38! Can you imagine, 2 more weeks!! I know it is best to keep them in as long as possible, but I am ready for them to be here and since most twins are induced at week 37 weeks, I am really hoping January 12th will be it!

Anyway, I am so happy to say that I am so excited about the next few weeks no matter what happens, and I can't wait to share it with you all in this new year. 

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and here's to the best year, yet!

~Mrs. S