Weekend Update

Monday, November 2, 2015

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a great Halloween weekend and are ready for a wonderful November!

Life around here has ben pretty hectic as the twins have started to climb up on everything so it is a constant battle to get them settled in one place. 

The Mr. had an away game last Friday (which they won!) and I had a Halloween part 1 and 2 marathon watch party by myself. I don't know why, but I loooove those movies this time of year! Something about the scary movie element yet they are not scary enough like some of the crazy horror movies that have come out in the past few years... Give me a predictable 70's slasher film any day over "Annabelle" and "Paranormal Activity"!

I knew the babies were way too young to go trick or treating so Saturday we headed to Dallas for the SMU football game while the Mr. was at work. 

I didn't get the kids actual costumes because there is no where in Ada to get any (except WalMart and they were terrible) so I decided to make them some. I know they were not the most elaborate, but they were a hit on the boulevard.

We got to visit the Mustang Club and it was catered by Central Market, super cool!

We came back to Ada just in time to hand out candy to 1 set of trick or treaters (boo us)!

Sunday, we hung out in the new play yard and had apple juice for the first time. It was delicious, but I didn't realize it was a laxative cause both babies had some pretty bad diapers after 20 minutes of drinking the stuff!

My in laws came into town to watch the Cowboys game and eat some chili. It was a fun time, despite the Cowboy failure. 

How cute does Sloane look in her Old Navy outfit and chucks?

Well, that's all for now folks!

Thanks for stopping by and I'll try to be back later this week!

~Mrs. S