A Simmonds Wedding

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I decided to write a post for my lovely 3 followers about The Simmonds Wedding Day.

As much as I loved my wedding, I was truly relieved when it was all over. I would love to tell stories about why I feel this way, but that may be on a different post. This one is dedicated to my favorite moments...

Perkins Chapel at SMU

On the SMU football field where Zac played college ball

First Dance

Jammin' with the band
Last Dance

Left out quite a bit, but am sure glad you got a glimpse :)


  1. Replies
    1. First off thanks for following my blog :) second, thanks for reading my wedding post, I plan to share more of my special day in the future! Hope you are having a great week!!!

  2. Love your wedding pictures! Especially the one where you're playing your violin with the band, so cute! And the on in front of the chapel is amazing.

    1. Thank you Christine! The band was a couple of friends I played music with in college, it was very fun!!! I agree about the chapel picture, I definitely did not appreciate it until I wrote this blog, now I want to get it painted on a canvas! Hope you will follow my blog, look forward to reading yours!

  3. I know that campus all to well! haha. You probably don't live too far from me! Great wedding pictures!

    1. Cool, are you an SMU student? I loved having my wedding at Perkins, especially cause both my husband and I graduated from there :) feel free to follow my blog, I look forward to reading yours! cat

    2. No I graduated from BYU, but my husband is in law school there now. I look forward to reading more posts! =)
