Simmonds Home Update

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hello Wonderful and Beautiful followers! 
(yes, you are wonderful and beautiful even though I don't personally know you!)

I hope you are all having a great weekend full of rest and fun!

I wanted to update y'all on a couple of DIY projects I have been up to as well as some purchases I have made lately. I would love some feedback on my choices, so please give me advice. 
I am a home decor newbie! 

I bought these $.97 frames at Wal-Mart and made the monograms on pretty paper from the scrapbook section with my computer...

Got these towels from Target for $2.99 each!

I finally got my sofa toss pillows from Target on sale! The cream flower ones are for when guests come over, the brown are for pillows when we actually want to relax on the couch!

Found this old candy bowl my MIL got me at the Tulsa Salvation Army for 2 dollars!

This $12.00 pillow was a treasure I could not resist at the Plano Antique Mall off Spring Valley, must check out if you are in the area! 

Made the S with an old canvas I had, what do you think? I'm really into monograms right now...

I moved my tea set from the couch back table to the console table.

Put up these frames I made on that table instead....

Now my living room looks like this, look at my Wrigles acting all sad on the couch!

Painted the old black mirror in white, and now it's in the guest room.

Let me know your thoughts, please! 

I am really into making my house look fabulous, hope to hear your thoughts on what I should do, suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Mrs. S


  1. Oooh, loving all the monogrammed stuff! And the black & white pillow is beautiful! Love printed fabric like that!

    1. Thanks lady! I hope you are having a wonderful week :) I can't wait for you to get your gift!

  2. I love all of the crafts you did! Just found your blog and I loved seeing these photos. I just told my mom while we were antique shopping this weekend that I wanted a tea set like that one day. It's so classy!!!

    I hope you stop by sometime. I'm actually having a great give away right now from Favor Days! Every girl can find something to get if they win! :) Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much!!! My MIL gave me that tea set :) I love your blog, I read it all the time! I got married in June of 10' and I'm still obsessed with weddings. I will definitely enter the giveaway. Have a great rest of the week! Cat

  3. I love the frames, such pretty detail!


    1. Thanks Lilly! I just read your post today and your Junior League story is so funny. I know exactly what you mean about having a "different" dream destination! I looove Washington DC (the history, the ability to walk everywhere, shopping in Georgetown)and when people would ask me where I would like to go they I thought I was so weird cause I'd rather go to DC than anywhere else!

      Hope you enjoy your fun-filled Groundhog Day today!

  4. your pup is the sweetest! My fave thing is the chevron towels. Love me some chevron!

    1. My little Wrigles is the cutest, her name is Wrigley but Wrigles is one of her many nicknames:) I love me some chevron too, trying to convince my husband to let me do navy chevron curtains in that room! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! Cat

  5. Whooofta you've been busy!!! Love everything. I'm really into monogram stuff right now as well. How did you do the "S" on the canvas?

  6. Hey girl! I just found your blog and I love it...I'm your newest follower! I am also in love with those chevron dish towels from Target! Did you get them recently?! Such a great deal for only $2.99!

    Follow me back at

