Back to School Year 29...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Hello Readers, 

That post title sounds crazy I know, but it's true!

I spent 14 years in grade school, 5 in my undergrad, 2 getting my Master's degree, and this will be my 8th year of teaching! 

School starts tomorrow, and I can not wait to get this school year started, 
I have almost 140 students both in orchestra and guitar and I can 
already tell after all these years, this is going to be the best school year yet.

I also have some exciting news to share, 
we finally know the genders of our babies!

Ta Da!

We didn't do a big gender reveal for several reasons. First off, school starts tomorrow so a big shindig didn't really make sense this weekend. Second, we kind of already had a feeling it was going to be a boy and a girl, so we pretty much told everyone we knew our guess, it didn't seem that fun to tell everyone the same thing we had already told them... Third, we would rather spend our time and energy on a fabulous baby shower. I won't have to do it myself or anything, but I want to be as involved as possible since my sisters will be throwing it, and I am a control freak :)

Either way, we thought using our fur babies would be a fun idea to reveal the gender 
on FB, Insta, and all other necessary social media.

Last week, we had our inservice and all teachers got ready for the school year.
We are trying to improve our school spirit this year, so the Fine Arts department decided to 
go in on our photo booth picture together, and this is what we came up with.

That's me in the big yellow glasses. The assistant band director looks thrilled, huh?!

Today, I met my sisters for brunch at my favorite restaurant in the burbs', Bonnie Ruth's
I wanted to share the big news about our genders and Sunday brunch seemed like the perfect time!

It was my three sisters with their families, but we were missing my parents, my brother and his family, and my last sister and her family.  
It literally has been 4 years since we have all been together (since my wedding to be exact)
With so many of us, 22, it is hard to get all of us in one room.

One of my favorite moments was seeing my nephews walking to the car together, like best buds

I can't wait till my little ones are added to the fun and for them to all play and hang together!

Hope you all have a great week, 
whether you are going back to school, your kids are going back to school, 
or you are teaching tomorrow,  just remember, 
in 1 week we get a 3 day weekend, in 13 weeks is Thanksgiving break, and in 17 is Winter Break!

Oh yeah, and in around 19 weeks there there will be 2 babies in the Simmonds house!

Thanks for stopping by, 
~Mrs. S

Marbles Beauty and Blowout Bash

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all having a great week.

I was so excited when my beautician cousin invited me to a new blowout bar in Plano (a suburb south of McKinney) that offers all types of services from make up, to blowout, to product sales.

Considering the growth of the northern suburbs of Dallas, it was no surprise Marbles Makeup and Blowouts opened up, I mean us suburbanites need to look fabulous too!

The event was from 4-7pm, which was nice because events like this don't usually start till later in the evening and are a 30-45 minute drive for me. Plus the fact that I am pregnant, I did not want to stay out too late :)

We arrived around 5 and were greeted by the nice owners and were immediately offered drinks and desserts, obvi I opted out of the drinks, but I kindly obliged to the delicious desserts.

We toured the salon which was decorated in old hollywood chic style and were very impressed by the attention to detail and all the amazing products they displayed throughout the center of the salon.

These were some of the Marbles Beauty products they offered...

There were also lip balms, moisturizers, and all kids of neat products for your everyday beauty needs

As soon as I saw my cousin Betty, she offered to refresh my makeup and got right to it filling in my brows. She also applied lip liner (which I never use) and some lip gloss, and I swear it looked like I had gotten my lips done they were so full! She did a great job, and has great attention to detail and color for your complexion.

This was my after pic :)

I brought my friend Megan along and she also got her makeup refreshed. Betty did her eyes and she looked gorgeous, except I didn't take a picture of her after (snap!)

We all know that any beauty event is not complete without a fabulous swag bag and Marbles did not disappoint! We received travel size samples of their shampoo and conditioner, an eye liner/lip pencil sharpener, a Kind bar (staying healthy, love that!) and a coupon for half off a Blowout and Makeup service, SCORE!

I had a great time attending this event, it had been a while that I actually got dressed up and got out of the house.

Thank you to Marbles Beauty for the invitation, and to my cousin Betty for introducing me to this amazing place! 

If you live in the area, be sure to call for an appointment and ask for Betty the Beauty expert!

Or, you can follow them on twitter, facebook, and instagram 

Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Mrs. S