Back to School

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First off, if you are a FB friend reading this, thanks for stopping by!

I have posted some of my previous "Music and Life" posts on FB and had a good response, but I neglected to post any from this blog, because I was waiting for the right time. I have come to love this blog, and the community of bloggers who follow along and I wasn't sure how the FB world would respond. This is my internet home away from FB, and I'd like to keep it that way, but I want my FB family and friends to know the "The Simmonds in the Suburbs" exists as a way to keep up with my life in a much different light than would normally be portrayed on FB. Please feel free to navigate around the site and don't be afraid to leave comments :)

Ok now, back to my post, SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!

This will be my 5th year teaching in the public schools and I am so excited. For the first time, I feel I am ready to tackle on those kiddos and I am actually prepared. I have all my instruments organized, I have my handbooks copied and ready to go, and I have finally gotten to the point that I can go to bed early and wake up early!

The thing I am most excited about however is that I can finally see a result of all the work I do. I watch my students come to me with little to no knowledge of their instrument and I see them transform into musicians as the years go by. I love watching that happen. I see commitment from these middle school kids that lacks in adults my age. I watch kids working together to make music, better than I see congress and the senate working together to keep our country together. I am appalled by the righteousness of people who criticize me for being a teacher because of how little money I make, when in reality I make a great living. Teaching teaches me more than I teach others. I never knew how much my character would improve, how much more willing I would be to "hear your side of the story" before I made any conclusions or the capacity I have to care about others. All you teachers out there have my vote when it comes to character, you all know exactly what I'm talking about.

There are so many good things about this school year that I am looking forward to, but I am most excited that I only teach orchestra (violin, viola, cello, bass) and guitar! No more choir for this lady.
I am also looking forward to driving 13 minutes to work, as opposed to 45. I got to make the shorter drive starting in January, but it's still something I look forward to today (I made the 45 minute commute each way for a year and a half!).

I know there are a lot of fellow educators out there who need some motivation from time to time, so if anything, take this post as a reminder that...




Sometimes, it is difficult to stay motivated every day as we walk into class, so lets stick together and support each other through this blogging medium, FB, a phone call, a tweet, or an email every once in a while. I would love to hear from you throughout the school year to hear your success stories, to listen to you vent, whatever, don't be shy!

Hope you all have a great first day of school.

~Mrs. S


  1. Good luck at school tomorrow! It's my Hubby's first day back, too. :)

  2. Happy first day of school! Hope you are having a wonderful day! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  3. Sounds like a great job! But yeah, when it's your job it has to be hard to stay motivated at times even if it is great. I still keep my blog url away from family and friends and FB. I'm also torn between wanting to share and wanting to keep it separate.

  4. Good luck with your first week back at school!
