Weekend Roundup

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all having a wonderful crisp Monday morning now that fall has arrived.

This past weekend was one to remember. My friend from St. Louis decided to meet me in Tulsa for some much needed girl time. We laughed, we talked, and caught up on a years worth of life. 

We got to Tulsa around 4 on Friday. The kids slept most of the way, so that was good.

This is them playing in front of my in-laws.

For dinner we decided to check out Brookside, an area of Tulsa that is a lot like Uptown in Dallas. 
It was definitely a nice night to be out on the town.

Saturday morning, we met up at Turkey Mountain Park which is also a hiking trail. We decided on a 40 minute trail that ended up being an hour and a half since we got lost and somehow ended up on the more difficult trail. We had the best time and the best workout! I can't believe this place has been here this whole time and I had never been. It is on a medium sized mountain and when the trees are not in the way during winter, you can actually get cool views of the city. 

We headed back home to get ready for our afternoon outing and met up for lunch at Stonehorse Cafe in Utica Square. That area is more like Highland Park Village as it has some upscale shopping and other neat boutiques like Kendra Scott. It is no surprise I took these beauties home with me. They also have drinks and desert while you shop so I had to partake in a cake ball :) 

After K-S, we headed to Anthropologie to see if there was anything and I did find a Volcano candle for my MIL. 

After Utica Square, we headed to the Philbrook which is only 5 min away. I had been a few months ago with the kids, but it was really nice to go sans toddlers and actually enjoy looking at the art. 

This was one of my favorite pieces.

The Philbrook sits on a couple acres of land and has the most beautiful gardens. I attended a wedding here a few years ago, and it was stunning. There was actually a wedding setting up on our way out!

Saturday evening we visited the Mr.'s grandmother and had a low key night. 

Sunday we met Michelle at the Old School Bagel Co. on Yale for a last meet up so she could see the kids. the kids had the best time hanging out.

We went to a park nearby and the kids loved running around and exploring. Their favorite was this swings, of course.

We headed back to Ada around 3 and made it back though some drizzle. 

It was interesting to get to know Tulsa without the Mr. since I got to decide where we went the whole weekend and I am so glad I did. T town is growing on me, little by little. 

Thanks for stopping by!

~Mrs. S

Weekend Wrap-up

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hello my friends!

We had a week full of playtime and lessons and a weekend full of football. 
As I mentioned before, every Tuesday, our friend is coming over so I can watch him while his mommy works. The kids have really enjoyed having him come over, but like with any situation where there are kids involved, we ended up with some runny noses. The kids are fine now, but I hate it when the kids get sick!

Friday, was the first home game for the Mr.'s team and in true football family fashion, we were all decked out for the game. I wish you could see my bag, my MIL got it for me, and it is so cute! It has footballs on the side and a big S in the middle. I'll have to share it at some point. Sloane looked amazing in her little football dress. (I get the award for most awkward stance ever)

Sloane wasn't so happy to sit on a railing so I could't get her to smile!
But her facial expression summed up the night pretty well as the Ada Cougars lost, and the S family was not too happy about it!

We watched most of the SMU game on Saturday and since I was so tired from the late football game the night before, we decided to eat dinner at Chili's. Luckily, the kids actually behaved well and liked sitting at the booth playing with all of the sugar packets!

I got a good picture of Ford in his new OU jersey, we didn't get to watch the game since it was on Pay-Per-View, but were happy to hear they won. 

Sunday was a church day for me and the kids stayed home since they were still getting over their allergies/runny noses. Afterwards, we watched the nerve-racking Cowboys game and although I was impressed with how well they did, I was pretty disappointed that it still resulted in a loss. Ada, SMU, and the Cowboys lost, but I guess there is always next week!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend,
~Mrs. S


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hello Everyone!

So today is my first day to wake up before 7 am in a VERY LONG TIME.

Sometimes I have to let the dog out at some crazy time or Sloane wakes me up in the middle of the night, but actually set an alarm and wake up for the day, that has not happened in forever! It's shameful, I know, but I usually wake up between 8:30-9. I have always been one to get up early since I have worked or gone to school for so long, but I am really enjoying getting my 8+ hours of sleep a night. Today, and till further notice however, I am helping a friend watch her son while she works for the day (Tuesday's only) so that she can watch my kiddos on Wednesday afternoons while I teach at the University. It has worked out great so far, her son is only two months older than the twins so they play great together and are even napping together (halleluia)! 

I have been giving guitar lessons to a few students here at my house, and even though it is a pain to try and keep the twins entertained during the lessons, I find it very amusing that they are actually really interested in the guitar and want to be part of the lessons!

Ford will just come up to me and snatch the guitar off my hands to play it, good thing my student is very understanding!

Last Friday was the first game for the Mr. and unfortunately, they lost, BAD :(
Saturday morning OU lost as well, so it was not a good start to the season, but thankfully SMU came through with a win, and the kids were happy to cheer them on with their Mustang gear!

I think they were over the picture taking by the time I out them on the wagon!
No smiles, but if your kids are like mine, it is difficult to get them to both smile most of the time so I am used to it!

Sunday we went back to church and I decided to put Sloane in her new booties. It wasn't cooler by any means (80's, I think) but she enjoyed wearing them, nonetheless. Ford is a happy man with any kind of stick!

Monday was very low key as the Mr. had to work for a few hours and I just had my usual Monday lesson. We have never really celebrated Labor Day since it always falls during the football season, but we are excited for the holidays coming up the next few months and all of the football games happening here, at SMU, and beyond. Hope you all had an awesome Labor day weekend!

Yay Fall!

~Mrs. S