I’m back! Again!!

Thursday, June 2, 2022

 Hello all! 

Totally a test run to see if I want to start blogging again! Let’s see if I can get this ball rocking and rolling! 

Life update: 

Since you read this blog last I have…

1. Been living in Tulsa and loving raising my kids through Covid and a house move.

2. Still teaching orchestra and playing music. I often wonder if I want to change careers, but it’s so hard to make the decision.

3. I’ve become a Reward Style ambassador, a dream for a long time, and I love doing it! It’s been 2 years now, and I am somewhat active on my posts. I link mostly though Instagram, so you can follow me there @symphonychic 

4. I’ve lost 20ish pounds since my 35th birthday 3 years ago, through diet and exercise and a few other avenues that I would gladly discuss if you are interested. 

5. There’s been many concerts, games, celebrations, and memories made, that time has flown!

Hope you are all doing well and I look forward to sharing more soon!

Mrs. S

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you again! I also need to get back to blogging, and have been wanting to do a food blog, but...life and kids😩
    I'm also interested in your lifestyle change as I'd like to get more into shape and make it long term. You're inspiring!
