Hello Everyone!
Valentine's Day has come and gone and what a joy it is to have 3 loved ones to share such a LOVE-filled day. We decided to celebrate our 10th Love day together in Tulsa this year so that our in-laws could watch the babies. We went to dinner at a downtown restaurant called Juniper, and stayed at a hotel nearby so that we could spend some quality time together (without the twins!) for the first time since September, yikes!
We don't really have any specific traditions for Valentine's but we do always try to have a reasonably nice meal. In the past the Mr. has made me lobster dinners and a few times we have actually gone to eat somewhere, so I always look forward to this holiday.
Sunday, we drove back and gave the kids their V-Day gifts.
I found these adorable books at WalMart and the kids loved them. Even though we have tons of books, we didn't really get into them until recently since I was afraid the kids would just rip them apart or slobber/chew all over them. Surprisingly, they are actually taking them and opening them up like they are reading and really enjoying playing with them, which is awesome!
Aren't these perfect V-Day gifts?!
How did you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Hope you are all having a great start to your week!
~Mrs. S
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