Life Lately

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hello Everyone!

I have not been blogging as much lately, but there have been some exciting things happening!

The month of January started with an awesome snow storm that caught us off guard!
The Mr. got 2 days off from school, and we had a blast playing in the snow.

We decided to try out a movie and took the kids to see SING! It was so good and the kids survived most of the movie, they had breaks and I let Sloane play with her iPad for a bit but we did stay through the whole thing. 

My sister who had a baby recently was treated to a small sprinkle at my other sisters house, we played games, ate yummy food, and we all gave her diapers!

We made a trip to Tulsa for the weekend of the twins birthday so we could take them to Main Event. The kids loved it, and we had a blast. 

We watched the final Cowboys game of the season on the Sunday of their Birthday, we were really hoping they would win, but they fell a field goal short :( Either way, it was fun to celebrate the twins birthday with cake :)

Our good friends Alex and Nathaniel who teach at the college with me invited us to their daughters 3rd birthday party. We love this little girl so much.

We decided to have a low key Super Bowl weekend with wings/pizza from Mazzios and small finger foods. Ford loves pizza!

As a Valentine's gift, we chose to give the kids tiny fish. They loved going to Wal-Mart and choosing the fish. We named all 5 and the kids love feeding them!

1/3 of my Valentine

We went to Tulsa for a date night and settled on The Chalkboard in downtown. It was so good and definitely nice to have a good meal without the kids!

Yesterday, I hosted a few friends over for a play date and to meet a new friend who happened to graduate from SMU also. I met her through a coach's wife who met her through her bible study. Can't wait to do it again soon! I made chicken salad sammies, veggies with hummus dip, suddenly salad, and yogurt parfaits (not pictured). I made cupcakes but none got eaten, so I took them to my class today. They happily obliged! 

We don't have anything planned this weekend, so it will be low key. 

Thanks for stopping by, hope y'all have a great weekend!

~Mrs. S

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cat!!!
    Your family is beautiful!! What a blessing!! I'm glad to hear that Sing was good!! We haven't seen it yet.

    LOOOOOVE that you called your sister's shower a "sprinkle"!!! That's adorable!! :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog today!!

    Mrs U
