Thanksgiving Week in Review

Friday, December 6, 2013

Hello Everyone, 

I meant to write this post last weekend about my week off and the events leading up to my first day back at school, but my pictures weren't downloading properly and I delayed this post until today.

Today was the first snow day we have had off since 2011 when the biggest storm to hit Dallas made us miss 4 days off from work.

Well, last night the biggest ice storm to hit Dallas in 15 years caused us to get a snow day and get iced in our house all day. Most of Dallas lost power, but thank goodness my suburb community has its own power and we had no issues with that.

Since I last wrote for you, we have had Thanksgiving, lost of Christmas shopping and decorating, time with my doggies, and family gatherings.

Here is a picture recap..

My girl Kursten and I after the state quarter finals (we won!)

Sebastian and Paisley before we went to dinner

Thanksgiving evening, I feel like I look so fat! Probably because of all the food I had just eaten!

I made this!

Corn hole in the backyard, the Mr. and Kursten were on the same team

From left to right: My mom Hilda, and sisters Abigail, Nancy, Esmeralda, Veronica and I. Yes my mom had 5 daughters and 1 son.

Found these beauties at J Crew outlet for $26!!!!!!

Shrimp appetizer from Quaker Steak and Lube, delish!

I have more photos I want to share, but my Google account is not letting me :(

Please come back and visit soon, lots of things coming up on the blog including my Christmas decor, and Christmas cards I am sending out this year.

Thanks for stopping by!

Mrs. S

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