Easter for Under $100

Friday, March 29, 2013

Whether you are attending Sunday service or Sunday brunch,
Easter is a great opportunity to dress your best!

I usually base how much I spend on an outfit on how many times I think I will wear it. 
Sometimes, I just find a good deal and go ahead and get it, and I almost always find something to wear it to. I think we all know my obsession with J Crew, and as I get older, I tend to go with a more traditional/conservative look when attending social functions. However, I am completely open when I find fun and flirty frocks especially when they are for a special occasion such as Easter Sunday.

One of my favorite online websites is Modcloth.com 
The beautiful styles are the 50's meets better quality Forever 21
all for a great price.

My first under $100 look for Easter Sunday is this Modcloth dress
It's only Mint Believe


which I would pair with these Target wedges by


The next look is a perfect for a Sunday Brunch with your favorite couple friends after church
These beautiful high heels will give you height and yellow always complements blue!

The last look is this beautiful dress that may not be a bright Spring-y color, but this sleeveless front flap dress is sure to impress everyone at church. A black hat or fascinator would be a great accessory!


Which I would pair with these neutral but classy pumps from Target


Happy Easter everyone!

~Mrs. S

New Floor!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My dining room has new wood floors!

The afters :)

The befores...

Tootsies VPC Event!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hello Everyone!

I am happy to announce that the Tootsies event honoring the Vivaldi Patron Circle is finally over!

I mentioned that there would be a surprise after the event happened which was...

I was a model for the fashion show!

I had a blast meeting other members and getting to wear beautiful dresses/clothes. Here are some of the pics from the night. 

The evening gown, BCBG dress

The Herve Leger, worth $1800, 00!

The Cynthia Vincent outfit, with a personal appearance by herself at the event! I guess I walked so fast my sis couldn't get a good picture of the front!

Amy, my VPC partner in crime :)

My sisters, cousin, and mom came to support me

And of course the Mr.

There were also appearances by some of my favorite bloggers including, Meredith from Create That Outfit and Laura from Cotton Glitter!

Thank you to everyone who made it out, I am looking forward to next's years fashion show already!

~Mrs. S 

Kitchen Transformation

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hello Everyone! 

I am so excited to finally share the Simmonds Kitchen Transformation!

We bought the paint and finish kit about a year ago, but the timing was never right to actually dive in and get the job done, so this spring break I decided enough was enough. 

This is the before picture of our kitchen (before move in) I was so embarrassed by how bad the kitchen looked I never really took pictures in there.. I was also embarrassed by the brown paint that the people who lived here before us painted the cabinets, it looked so tacky!

Notice there is no hardware of any of our cabinets or drawers.

And this is the after!

Our better view of the kitchen..

Yes, we installed the hardware on our own!

The kit we used was the Rustolium Cabinet Transformation Kit and it was very easy to do, I am kind of mad at myself for not doing it sooner.

The house feels so different with a brighter color and now we have hardware!

Have you done any major transformations to your house lately?!

~Mrs. S


Monday, March 11, 2013

Hello All!

Yes, I am awake at 12:15, on a weeknight. I am on SPRING BREAK!

So, this past week was so busy. I had many things going on, including,

the Mr.'s Birthday, these were all the cards he received. 

Spending time with my little one, Wrigley...

And, joining our world class gym right around the corner.

It is truly a work out heaven!

I can't wait to share with y'all the real amazement of this place, but for now, go to sleep, its late!

~Mrs. S

VPC Tootsies event!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hello Everyone, 

The word is out! 

So excited about this event, if you are in the Dallas area, feel free to stop by and support the DSO!

The Mr.'s Birthday

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Today is my husbands birthday

Here is my frenchie wrigley sitting next to his gift

This is the birthday salsa we made for dinner

here are the fresh birthday flowers I couldn't resist on my visit to target earlier

This is the simple gift (and card) I got the Mr. which of course was something he needed, like a bag of white tee's

And this is what I decided to wear.

hope you all had a wonderful weekend

Mrs. S