Weekend Recap

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hello lovely readers. 

I have  few minutes before I head to sign language class with the kiddos so I thought I would stop by and share our weekend experiences. 

The Mr. had an away game so we headed to Tulsa for the night. 

We got in around 4 since I always leave during their nap time (2-4) and hung out for a while before heading to dinner at Texas Road House. 

Sloane wore her red cape for the night.

Saturday morning we headed to a local pumkin patch to take pics of the kids with some pumpkins. Last year was a bust even though we went to the Dallas Arboretum, but this year was a huge success, the kids were so happy walking around the patch and they had coordinating outfits.

After the patch, my MIL and I went to La Madeline, a place I miss so much from Dallas and a place I always forget to go to in Tulsa! It was delish!

We headed home during nap time and I caught Ford with his blankie over his face, too cute!

Sunday we went to church and had a great morning.  Sloane wore a cute dress my MIL got her last year, but it looked great still!

Hope you all enjoyed stopping by, till next time!

~Mrs. S

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