Scenes from our Weekend

Monday, October 24, 2016

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a great week. We had fall break so several of my weekly activities were cancelled which was nice after a few weeks of constant movement. We had a weekend for the books as we got to go to the Mr.'s away game in Tulsa and they WON! It was an unexpected win so we were all in great moods. Friday we returned from Tulsa after visiting Nan, and running some errands. 

The kids enjoyed being at the football game, but after the first half we had to head home since they were being a little too adventurous and running up and down the stands!

Ford was really intrigued by the Cougar mascot.

They also really enjoyed my MIL's halloween pumpkins.

Saturday afternoon we headed to Dallas for the day to check out the new Shake Shack in downtown and then head to the SMU game. It has been about 5 years since the Mr. has even been to an SMU game so we were pretty pumped. 

We got to Dallas around 3 and headed straight to SS. Overall it was great but we did have to wait in line a bit and we had never been so we didn't know to order double cheeseburgers, we got the single and it seemed a bit small for the price. The shakes were delish, we even let the kids have a taste :)

We went to Trader Joe's for a bit and drove through our old neighborhood, oh memories of our Midway house... 

we finally got to the Blvd. and you would have thought we were at a theme park because F&S had a blast running around and exploring. Last year at this time they weren't even walking so it was so much fun watching them enjoy the beautiful campus.

We tried to go to the actual game, but we decided the kids were too wiped out and we werent prepared for dealing with fussy toddlers though a football game so we opted out. Boy did we regret that choice because SMU ended up winning against U of H (a ranked team) which has not happened in over 30 years! Things are looking up for the Mustangs and we were so happy despite not going to the game.

We decided to have one last meal in Dallas before we came back since we don't have many places to eat here in Ada. We headed to Blue Fish in Watters Creek for some sushi. 

Sloane enjoyed the edamame, and the waitress brought us some balloons so the kids were well behaved (for the most part). 

I'm so glad we went to Watters Creek, the weather was so nice and there was a jazz music performance in the park that is in the middle of the shopping center so we walked around for a bit before making the 2 hour drive home.

Sunday morning I wasn't sure if we were going to make it to church, but was so glad we did. The kids got a good night sleep and were happy to go as well. 

After church shenanigans.

So glad the weather is cooling down and we are able to enjoy the outdoors so much more. 

Thanks for stopping, I'd love to hear from you!

~Mrs. S

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