Weekend Wrap-up

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hello my friends!

We had a week full of playtime and lessons and a weekend full of football. 
As I mentioned before, every Tuesday, our friend is coming over so I can watch him while his mommy works. The kids have really enjoyed having him come over, but like with any situation where there are kids involved, we ended up with some runny noses. The kids are fine now, but I hate it when the kids get sick!

Friday, was the first home game for the Mr.'s team and in true football family fashion, we were all decked out for the game. I wish you could see my bag, my MIL got it for me, and it is so cute! It has footballs on the side and a big S in the middle. I'll have to share it at some point. Sloane looked amazing in her little football dress. (I get the award for most awkward stance ever)

Sloane wasn't so happy to sit on a railing so I could't get her to smile!
But her facial expression summed up the night pretty well as the Ada Cougars lost, and the S family was not too happy about it!

We watched most of the SMU game on Saturday and since I was so tired from the late football game the night before, we decided to eat dinner at Chili's. Luckily, the kids actually behaved well and liked sitting at the booth playing with all of the sugar packets!

I got a good picture of Ford in his new OU jersey, we didn't get to watch the game since it was on Pay-Per-View, but were happy to hear they won. 

Sunday was a church day for me and the kids stayed home since they were still getting over their allergies/runny noses. Afterwards, we watched the nerve-racking Cowboys game and although I was impressed with how well they did, I was pretty disappointed that it still resulted in a loss. Ada, SMU, and the Cowboys lost, but I guess there is always next week!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend,
~Mrs. S

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