Monday's Confessions!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Hi Everyone!

Today's post is all about getting real with y'all about a few things on my mind!

1. If you are not watching the show "The Night Of" then you are missing out on some great entertainment. I have always loved watching murder mysteries ever since my mom would let us watch scary movies when I was little (Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th etc, I know, I know, terrible parenting but she always gave us the option of not watching them!) so it comes to no surprise that HBO hooked us from the first episode where a young Pakistani college student gets accused of murder. We watched the 4th of 8 episodes last night and we can't wait to see what happens, the suspense is killing me! Side note: I was obsessed with watching Forensic Files when I was pregnant, I think I watched every episode because now every time I turn to it, I've already seen it!

2. Ever since discovering the amazing grocery store Aldi about 2 months ago, I am obsessed with eating their flatbread with which I make wraps with any combination of these ingredients: quinoa, corn, goat cheese, lettuce (arugula is my fav), avocado, red onion, boiled egg, and chicken. I swear it is the most delicious combination of foods ever, even though it is a bunch of different ingredients, and I eat them everyday for either lunch or dinner. My other go to dish is any of the aforementioned ingredients on Ezequiel bread. I think the Mr. is sick of me buying the same things at the grocery store every time, but I don't care!

3. I always think is is so funny when women claim to not be wearing any makeup or wear too much of it. I personally have a love/hate relationship with it as I have never liked the way mascara dries up my eyes (which are super sensitive due to wearing contacts my whole life) and the fact that women nowadays make it near impossible to feel good to wear it unless you go completely all out with the newest and latest makeup products and trends. I was a total sheep and invested big bucks on an expensive contouring kit that I think I have used twice. I bought a used Naked Palette which I love, but really the only three products I repeatedly buy are Clinique mascara, Stilla eyeliner, and Cover Girl clear mascara for my eyebrows (which is about once every 2 years...), other than that I never buy the same products and I feel like I am under such pressure to buy the newest concealer or the best lipstick (which I am horrible at choosing) so I give up! I just wont wear make up and when I do, I will use the products that I feel best suit me and are most reliable. Enough with the Instagram and FB posts and videos of beautiful, but unattainable makeup!

4. I have an incredibly nice neighbor who has a pool and even though I love me a nice dip in the water, I have become super lazy about doing it. The twins make a total job of it and it is quite the process to put them in bathings suits, carrying all of their floaties/towels/snacks over there so to sum it all up, we go about 1 time a week and I am ok with that. I always envisioned if I had a pool or access to one I would utilize it often, but maybe as the kids get older I will be more proactive about it.

5. I am dying to go back to Colorado for another rendezvous at least once more before the winter season. Everyday I look at least once at hotel deals and flights just to see if there's one I can't pass up. The Mr. is about to go into the busiest time of year (football season) and even though I would hate to leave him behind, I am totally willing to go without him! Anyone want to join?!

Hope you all enjoyed reading a little piece of my mind this AM, and I want to wish everyone a wonderful start to your week!

~Mrs. S


  1. Ok, it's scary how much we have in common; Aspen, CO is one of our favorite places to go (although we can't always afford to go as often as we'd like) and my husband dreams of moving there someday. Seriously--let me know if you see any great deals! Maybe when Maddie is a little older we can even have our families meet out there! My husband and I both majored in violin performance in college (although he has a totally different career now) so we'd probably have a lot to talk about!

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  3. Oh! And weird that you mention On The Night Of...hubby and I just started watching the latest episode as I began reading your newest post😝
