Thanksgiving Break

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hello Everyone!

One of the awesome perks of being a teacher is we get Winter, Spring, Summer, and Thanksgiving break. My district is pretty much go-go-go from the first day of school till november so that we can have the full week of Thanksgiving off, which couldn't have come at a better time this year as we had so much stuff to do in the nursery!

Monday we went and checked out the hospital where we will be delivering. It is literally 2 years old, and beautiful. We feel really lucky that we get to have our baby there, it is only about 15 minutes from where we live, and it just felt right. Afterwards, we went to dinner at a new restaurant in McKinney square called Harvest. It is one of those new "farm to table" concept eateries and we enjoyed everything we were served including the introductory bread basket, the cajun shrimp, and my delicious burger. The decor and ambiance did not disappoint either as we felt like we were in a chic New York restaurant with dim lighting and cool art on the walls. 

Tuesday, I met up with a former student (who gifted me this adorable bow set for Sloane)
for lunch.

We decided to go to Tulsa for thanksgiving and left Wednesday afternoon.

It took us a little longer to get to Tulsa than usual since EVERYONE was traveling on Wednesday, but we made it and headed out to dinner (at 9:00pm).

Thursday we had Thanksgiving lunch at the Mr.'s grandma's house, it was lovely.
This is Nan, his grandma...

This is me and the bullies being lazy after stuffing my face...

We are very close to his grandma, she has been such a blessing to us many times. 

Friday we headed back to Dallas where I rested for about 1 minute, I was too anxious to use the sewing/embroidery machine my mother in law let me borrow. We headed to Jo'Ann to stock up on thread and supplies for me to be able to monogram items for Ford and Sloane. 

Here is what I have come up with that I have pictures of, so far!

The machine is so easy to use, and it is going to save me so much money since I will not have to pay for items to get monogrammed, I mean look at this cuteness,

All done by yours truly!

Saturday night, I finally got to meet my new nephew Jacob, who also got a monogrammed blanket from my latest embroidery adventures, and he was a doll.

So tiny and cute!

I am getting more and more anxious to meet my little ones, and if all goes well, that will be in approximately 5 or so weeks. 

I have 3 weeks left at school before Winter break, and I know for a fact, it will go by so fast.

Hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday, I can't wait to read all about them on your blogs!

~Mrs. S

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